Provisional Rules on Foreign Trade Agency System
Provisional Rules on Foreign Trade Agency System 
The present provisional rules are formulated with a view to improving
the  foreign  trade  agency  system,  defining  the  rights  and
responsibilities  of various interested parties in carrying  out the 
agency system and promoting the development of foreign trade.
Article 1 The corporation or enterprise (agent) that has the right to
handle foreign trade may, within the approved business scope and as per
the relevant state regulations, act as import or export business agent
for another corporation or enterprise (principal) which has the right to
do foreign trade business. If the agent signs contracts with the foreign
party in the name of this principal, the relevant regulations of the
"General Rules of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China" shall
be applied to the rights and responsibilities of both parties. In case
the agent signs the contracts with foreign parties in his own name, the
present provisional rules shall be applicable to the rights and
responsibilities of both parties.
Article 2 Should those corporations, enterprises, institutions  or
individuals (principal) without the right to do foreign trade business
need to import or export commodities (including goods and technologies),
they must entrust the corporations or enterprises (agent) who have the
right to do foreign trade business of its kind to do it as per the
relevant state regulations. The present provisional rules apply to the
rights and responsibilities of both parties.
Article 3 The principle and trustee shall sign an agency agreement on
the basis of equality, mutual benefit, consultation and consensus. The
agency agreement shall not violate the relevant state laws, rules and
regulations, nor shall the agreement infringe upon the social and public
Article 4 The agency agreement shall be the cardinal basis for the
division of the rights and responsibilities between the principals and
trustees. If there is no subsequent endorsement made by the principals,
the doers themselves shall be charged responsible for the behaviors
conducted without the agent right, the behaviors that exceed the agent
right limit, or that made after the agency agreement expires.
Article 5 The agency agreement, which should be in written form, shall
generally include the following contents.
(1) the names, scopes, contents, price ranges, terms of payment, kinds
of foreign currency of the entrusted import or export commodities, and
other terms that shall be specified;
(2) the extent of the agent right of the trustees authorized by the
(3) the rights and obligations of both parties as well as the expenses
that they shall bear;
(4) the agency commissions and other stipulations on the sharing of
other economic interests;
(5) the settlement of disputes;
(6) the period of validity of the agency agreement, and
(7) others.
Article 6 The principals shall, as per the relevant state laws, rules
and regulations, go through the applying and approving formalities
concerned for the entrusted import or export of commodities.
Article 7 The principals shall timely present the agents the relevant
information about the entrusted import or export of commodities.
Article 8 The principles may, with the agents' agreement, take part in
the negotiations with the foreign parties. But the principals are not
allowed  to inquire for foreign commodities or conduct  business
negotiations with the foreign parties by themselves, nor shall they make
any forms of commitment by themselves to the foreign parties as regards
the terms and conditions of the contracts.
As to the terms and conditions contained in the import or export
contracts agreed by the principals, the principals shall not claim to
the agents for compensation for the losses incurred due to the defects
of these terms and conditions.
Article 9 The principals shall not change or amend the import or export
contracts with the foreign parties by themselves. The agreement reached
arbitrarily  by  the  principals with  foreign  parties  on  the
supplementation or changes of the import of export contracts shall be
Article 10 The principals shall, according to the stipulations of the
agency agreement and the import or export contracts, fulfill their
obligations, including timely providing the agents with funds needed for
importing commodities and with the commodities entrusted for export.
Article 11 In case of the failure of implementation of import or export
contract, of incomplete, delayed or the implementation inconsistent with
the terms of the contract due to the failure of the principals to
implement the obligation under the agency agreement, the principals
shall repay the expenses, taxes, interests having paid by the agents,
pay the contracted commissions and liquidated damages, and shall assume
all the responsibilities untaken externally by the agents.
Article 12 In case the principals can not perform or fully perform the
agency  agreement  due  to  the  force  majestic  events,  their
responsibilities towards the agents shall be fully or partly remitted.
But the principals shall timely notify the agents and provide, within
the appropriate period, the certificates issued by the  relevant
organizations, so that the agents may approach the foreign parties and
relieve themselves from the responsibilities.
If the agents can not be exempted from their responsibilities towards
the foreign parties, such responsibilities shall be assumed by the
Article 13 The principals shall have the obligation to pay the agents
the contracted commissions as per the stipulations of the agency
agreement, and repay the expenses, taxes and interests having paid by
the agents. The import or export commissions that are to be paid by the
principals shall be a product of the total contractual value, which is
taken as the cardinal counting number, multiplied by the contracted
commission rate.
Article 14 As regards the sales payment for the exported products,
whether Renminbi (RMB) or foreign exchanges will be acceptable to the
principals  shall be specified in the agency  agreement  through
consultation by the principals and agents.
Article 15 The agents shall, according to the agency agreement, sign the
import or export contracts with the foreign parties in their own names,
and shall timely hand over the copies of the contracts to the
principals. The agency agreement shall not be violated whenever the
agents make changes or amendments with the foreign parties of the import
or export contracts. The agents shall assume the obligations and share
the rights of the contracts towards the foreign parties.
Article 16 The state laws, rules, and other regulations on foreign trade
administrations system shall be observed when the agents handle the
agency matters as per the principals" entrustment. In case the agents'
observance of the state laws, rules, and other regulations on foreign
trade administration system make them unable to carry out  the
principals' entrustment, they shall inform their principals the facts
and re-negotiate the entrustment in line with the laws, rules and
foreign trade administrations system. When carrying out the entrustment,
the agents have the obligations to guarantee that the terms and
conditions of the import or export contracts shall tally with the
relevant existing laws, rules and other regulations on foreign trade
administration system, shall conform to the international practice and
shall protect the interests of the principals.
Article 17 The agents shall provide the principals with the quotations
for the entrusted commodities on the international market and make
timely report of the business development and of how the agents'
obligations are performed.
Article 18 The agents have the obligations to go through all the
formalities needed for implementing the import or export contracts.
Article 19 In case of the failure of implementation of import or export
contracts, incomplete, delayed or the implementation inconsistent with
the terms of the contracts due to the failure of agents to implement the
obligation under the agency agreement, the agents shall compensate the
principals for their losses thus incurred, and shall assume  by
themselves all the responsibilities towards the foreign parties.
Article 20 In case of the failure of implementation of import or export
contacts, incomplete, delayed or the implementation inconsistent with
the terms of the contracts due to the failure of the foreign parties to
implement the obligation under the agency agreement, the agents shall,
as per the relevant stipulations contained in the import or export
contracts and the agency agreement, lodge timely claims for damages to
the foreign parties or adopt other remedies.
Article 21 In case the agents can not fully or partly fulfill the agency
agreement due to the force majeure events, they shall be fully or
partially exempted from the agency responsibilities. But the agents
shall timely notify their principals and the foreign parties, and
present, within the reasonal period, the certificates issued by the
relevant organizations.
Article 22 In case of the failure of implementation of import and export
contracts, of incomplete, delayed or the implementation inconsistent
with the terms of the contracts by the foreign parties due to the force
majestic events, the agents shall be exempted from their obligations
towards the principals. They shall, however, obtain the certificates
issued by the relevant organizations and timely notify the principals.
Article 23 The principals shall present necessary claims documents
within the claim validity period. After receiving the claims documents,
the agents shall, according to the stipulations of the contracts signed
with foreign parties, timely lodge the claims to the foreign parties,
and shall timely notify the principals about the development of  the
claim, and transfer to the principals the payments received from lodging
the claims.
In case the claims are not lodged or not lodged successfully, the
principals shall bear the losses; if the agents are to blame, then the
agents shall bear the losses. If the agents are not to blame while
lodging the claims, the principals do not have the right to claim to
compensation from the agents beyond the amount made by the foreign
When the foreign parties lodge the claims, the agents shall timely pass
on the claims papers presented by the foreign parties to the principals.
After receiving the claims documents, the principals shall timely settle
the claims as per the agency agreement. The agents shall inform their
principals about the claim settlement.
In case the claims are not settled with foreign parties, the agents, if
it is the agents' fault, shall bear the responsibilities towards the
foreign parties; if the principals are to blame, the principals shall
assume the responsibilities thus falling upon the agents.
Article 24 The principals and agents can agree on that, with the
permission and assistance of the principals and the fund offered by the
principals,  the agents shall have the obligation to submit  to
arbitration or take legal proceedings as per the stipulations of the
import or export contracts, and the damages or interests thus occurred
shall be assumed or shared by the principals; if the agents refuse to
submit to arbitration or take legal proceedings, or delay doing so, the
principals shall be entitled to the damage claim to the agents. If the
principals are unwilling to submit to arbitration, to take legal
proceedings or to provide the expenses, the agents may submit to
arbitration or take legal proceedings against the foreign parties at
their own expenses and risks, and the damages or interests thus occurred
shall be assumed or shared by the agents.
Article 25 In case the foreign parties submit to arbitration or take
legal proceedings, the agents shall, as per the stipulations contained
in the agency agreement and the import or export contracts, make active
representations to the foreign parties, and shall timely notify the
principals. The principals shall have the obligation to assist the
agents in collecting the documents, and to give necessary support and
convenience for the representations concerned.
Article 26 The present rules shall come into effect on the date of its
promulgation. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade is
responsible for the interpretation of the rules.
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